How to safely have your hotel or restaurant painted?
Before hiring a painting contractor, be sure to have your hotel or restaurant prepared and in good repair before he or she arrives. Make sure you have the necessary furniture and other expensive items removed and post a warning sign about the upcoming work. If your painter doesn't know how to properly prepare your rooms, hire a third-party contractor to do the job. During the process, be sure to discuss the safety standards you have in mind with them. The paint used in a hotel or restaurant must be lead-safe. EPA-certified companies use low-VOC paints to prevent the build-up of harmful gases when the paint dries. The painters should also use proper equipment and follow strict guidelines. Using lead-safe materials and professional painting equipment are essential to making sure that your business and guests stay safe. In addition to hiring a painting contractor, you must consider the safety standards of the company you hire. The painting contractor must have proper equipment and sho...